Thursday 17 December 2015

Woman Faces Divorce After Being Caught Kissing Camel

Who would have thought that a camel can destroy a family? But this is exactly what happened to one married couple in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia!
A new wife faces a divorce after being caught kissing a camel by her shocked mother-in-law. The unnamed woman tried to explain her behaviour, saying that she just express gratitudeto the animals which regurlalry brought money to their family, but all in vain. The enraged mother of her spouse has immeditaely demanded a divorce on the grounds of violating social and religious rules. And even despite the couple are happy together, the woman has moved to her own family’s home and is now too scared to come back.Image result for picture of a  camel
She said: “My hubby said he could not disobey his mother, who swore that she would disown him if he does not divorce his wife. I love my husband and want to be with him forever. But I am not ready to live with his mother again.”
She also added that the incident was just a pretext to her mother-in-law for divorce, as she never liked her because she had not given birth to a baby. In another bizarre situation a woman was divorced by her husband via text message after confessing to being gang raped by their neighbours.

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