Tuesday, 8 March 2016
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Babysitter 'sexually abused three children and locked one in suitcase during cruel game of hide-and-seek'
Angela King is alleged to have molested the youngsters
while looking after them over a seven-year period in the 1980s and early
Liverpool Echo
Accused: Angela King denies 11 historic child sex offences
A babysitter has appeared in court accused of sexually abusing three children and locking one of them in a suitcase.
King is alleged to have molested the youngsters while looking after
them over a seven-year period in the 1980s and early 1990s.
Crown Court heard she locked one of the complainants inside a suitcase
during a cruel game of hide-and-seek as the child screamed to be
The Liverpool Echo reports
prosecutor Louise McCloskey said the 49-year-old was, "trusted to look
after them, trust that was terribly abused, just as they were".
The two brothers and a sister were allegedly abused when their mum and dad left home to go to the pub. Hearing : The trial at Liverpool Crown Court is ongoing
King, of Fernhill Road, Bootle, Liverpool, denies 11 counts
of historic sexual offences including indecent assault and gross
indecency with a child.
In 2001, the female complainant made a statement to Merseyside Police, along with her brothers, but no action was taken and the case collapsed.
But in 2014, one of her brothers again contacted detectives about the claimed abuse, and a new investigation was launched.
McCloskey said: “Unfortunately at the time, and it’s fair to say with
hindsight wrongly, the decision taken was no further action and so the
complainants carried on with their lives in the belief that these
matters would never come before the courts.”
The defendant, who
walks with a stick and has an intermediary in court to help her better
understand the legal process, would order the children take off their
pyjamas, it was heard.
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