Monday 7 December 2015

Two pensioners caught smuggling £250k of cannabis in chicken

Michael Kinkaid, 72 and Anthony Wright, 76, were found to have 267 kilos of cannabis after neighbours feared there might be a body hidden in their industrial unitFormer police officer Michael Kinkaid (pictured) and a retired meat dealer Anthony Wright have been jailed for smuggling cannabis worth more than £250,000 inside frozen chickens

Smugglers: Former police officer Michael Kinkaid (pictured) has been jailed
Two pensioners who tried to smuggle £267,000 of drugs hidden inside frozen chicken were given away by the smell of rotting meat.
Former police officer Michael Kinkaid, 72 and Anthony Wright, 76, were jailed for seven years each after being found with 267 kilos of cannabis at an industrial unit at Laindon, Essex.
The operation to move the drugs mirrored the infamous Los Polos set-up in hit US television show Breaking Bad in which drugs were imported inside buckets of fried chicken.
But when bungling Kinkaid and Wright unpacked the sealed wraps of cannabis resin smuggled from Spain they failed to clean them, leaving traces of chicken on the packs.

Cascade Former police officer Michael Kinkaid and a retired meat dealer Anthony Wright (pictured) have been jailed for smuggling cannabis worth more than £250,000 inside frozen chickens
Jailed: Former meat dealer Anthony Wright jailed for smuggling cannabis worth more than £250k inside frozen chickens
The smell became so appalling that neighbouring businesses contacted police with concerns that there might have been a rotting body at the industrial
When local officers broke into investigate they followed the smell to 89 blocks of cannabis resin hidden under polythene sheeting on November 27, 2013.
Detectives from the Kent and Essex Serious and Organised Crime Unit launched an investigation and arrested Kinkaid and Wright who rented the unit to store chicken imported from Spain.

Cascade Former police officer Michael Kinkaid and a retired meat dealer Anthony Wright have been jailed for smuggling cannabis worth more than £250,000 inside frozen chickens
Caught: Traces of meat were left on the cannabis resin
Kinkaid of Wickford, Essex, and retired meat dealer Wright of Laindon, denied any involvement in the importation of drugs.
But the pair were found guilty of possessing cannabis with intent to supply after a six-day trial in October.
The men were sentenced at Basildon Crown Court on Friday.
The court heard how the pair refused to name other members of the operational set-up because of "misguided loyalty".

Cascade Former police officer Michael Kinkaid and a retired meat dealer Anthony Wright have been jailed for smuggling cannabis worth more than £250,000 inside frozen chickens
Discovered: The men were found with more than £250k worth of drugs
Sarah Vine, prosecuting, said: "There are a number of factors which certainly point to these defendants having a significant role, operational or management, within a chain."
Recorder Jeffrey Yearwood said: "The offences for which each of you have been convicted are particularly serious.
"Serious, not only because of the nature of the drug involved the quantity involved but for the impact that it had on the public who used those drugs and the possible damage to their health."
Afterwards Detective Constable Bob Evans, of Essex Police, said: "These men were caught because they failed to clean the sealed packs of cannabis resin after they were separated from the frozen chickens.
"The packs of cannabis resin were then hidden under polythene sheeting.
"As the smell became worse other business in the area became concerned and reported an odour of what was described as rotting flesh coming from the unit.

Cascade Former police officer Michael Kinkaid and a retired meat dealer Anthony Wright have been jailed for smuggling cannabis worth more than £250,000 inside frozen chickens
Stench: The smell was so bad neighbours mistook it for rotting corpses
"Attending officers confirmed that the smell coming from the unit was 'dreadful' and entry was forced to the unit due to a concern for life.
"The resin was contained within heat sealed packages and appeared to be covered in a blood-like detritus.
"This investigation involved the assistance of both the National Crime Agency and UK Border Force resulting in enquires being carried out at both a national and international level.
"During the course of the investigation both Kinkaid and Wright through some form of misguided loyalty failed to identify other parties involved in the importation of these drugs."
Smugglers: Former police officer Michael Kinkaid (pictured) has been jailed

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