Tuesday 10 January 2017


Image result for pictures of children15   LAWS OF SAFETY  FOR CHILDREN
It is advisable  for every parents to teach their children some  safety  measures  which will prevent them from entering into trouble  or been harm. On that points, I bring to you”15 Laws  of safety for  children “as  children are expected  to have this  laws  at their  finger tips. Happy reading.
(1) Never go anywhere with a  stranger without your parents approval
(2) Do  not  collect anything from a  stranger  without your  parents  approval
(3) Do not allow anybody to touch you in  your private  part unless on  medical ground  or been bath by parent
(4) Report to daddy and mummy  when somebody tell’s  you something and asked you not  to tell  anybody
(5) If  a  stranger tried  to hold  you, shout  for help  fast
(6) My children ,do not pick somebody else’s  property without permission , is a  crime if you do  this
(7) Do  not  enter  stranger’s car without permission from your  parents
(8) Do not play with fire ,razor, knife or any sharp  objects as  that can hurt you  easily
(9) Do not  walk  in lonely  places alone
(10)                    Do not walk in dark  places  alone
(11)                    Do not go out  when is  raining
(12)                    If you get  lost ,stay were you are and approach any  mummy with  kids for  help
(13)                    Do not share address ,phone or any  contact of your  parents  to stranger
(14)                    Obey your parent s at   all time
(15)                    Always  remember to pray to God all the  time  for safety
Written by Azubuike   ifeanyi 

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