Friday 13 January 2017


Are you worried or afraid you may be attack, rape or kidnap? Here come 21 powerful steps you can prevent that from happing to you.
(1)    Environmental awareness.
This is the ability to know your environment well, know the bad spot, the likely bad guys, bad time and have proactive plan towards your environment
(2 ) Escape plan
Is advisable you shout or yell for assistant, do all you can to attract attention of others as no criminal want alert
(3) Avoid opening door without knowing fully who is knocking
(4) Avoid unsafe time, environment and people as that means avoiding easy attack too
(5) Do not display too much affluence as that will expose you faster to bad people
(6) Do not expose your private parts of your body much as that   can easily push bad attention to you
(7) Fight back
You have the right to fight back by striking first, hard then escape
(8) Do not allow to be taken to another location, do all you can to prevent that
(9) Avoid lift from stranger you can’t tell who has bad intension
(10) While in taxi, avoid any business issue presented by driver or passenger as it may be a set up to get at you
(11) Always watch your drink even if is one minute to avoid been poison
(12) check out for a leakage if you are giving a cartoon drink,
(13) Do not always accept drink poured by another in your absent
(14) Flat tire in bad spot?, please  drive  with  your  rims to  a safe  place
(15) In case of attack, use anything around as weapon and move to safe location
(16) If you can’t defend yourself, talk down on somebody from harming you ,give  out all you  have
(17 ) In case  of attack  in  the  street ,do not stand  still, move out  fast
(18) Do not expose  your  expensive valuables  as that will  show  bad  guys  you have  it
(19)Try and have some safe defense gadget such as pepper spray and stun gun as they can easily help  when  you are  attack
(20) Ensure you have the contact of some security personal, neighbor  around and call  in case you sense any danger
(21)Put all your trust in God  He is  the  best defense in all situation
Written  by Azubuike ifeanyi
Private  security consultant

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