Police found Amber Bradley, 29, unconscious after inviting group of teens to flat for booze and drugs party - and 'offered one them a mountain bike for sex'A one-eyed mum whose romps with an underage boy were exposed after she was found passed out in a gutter has been jailed for five years.
Police found Amber Bradley, 29, unconscious in a road at 4am after she invited a group of
teens to her flat for a booze and drugs partyThe slurring blonde claimed her three kids, aged four, five and eight, were being looked after by a 15-year-old.
teens to her flat for a booze and drugs partyThe slurring blonde claimed her three kids, aged four, five and eight, were being looked after by a 15-year-old.
But officers found them asleep on a bedroom floor - with four lads, 14 to 16, passed out next to beer and marijuana in another room.
Bradley, with make-up running down her good left eye in her mug shot, was arrested on endangering children charges last June in Layton, Utah Days later she was arrested again and charged with sleeping with a 15-year-old boy.She told cops she had intercourse with him twice at his home.
He claimed he “was hesitant to engage” in sex with her but Bradley coaxed him into it both times - once by promising him a mountain bike.
Bradley also sent him nude selfies and called him “daddy” in texts, said court files.
His phone had photos of them lying together on a bed and messages saying they loved each other.
She called him “daddy” in texts to him, said court files
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